Monday, January 14, 2013

New year...

...same old LOVE of learning :-)

stacking beads:hand-eye coordination

See our science experiment with colored ice cubes...

One hand blue and one hand red (or magenta). Rub them together and what do you get?

Even more color mixing. Try adding more red than yellow...or more blue than red...or more yellow than blue...

Hold it up to the light and see how beautiful!

Proud friends show off their spelling work.

Kinder work--multiplication.

Block structures. Budding architectural engineers...

Older friend helping new toddler friend in after-school care.

Color wheel.

Painting with our easel--mixing colors.

Using the eye dropper to mix colors.

Marble painting and mixing colors.

Rubber band board is so much fun!
Our kindness garland: every kind act gets a button.

Look at all our color mixing art! 

Proud artist shows off his sunset painting.

Morning job--making the snack sign.

Focused color mixer.

Zen and the art of chair cleaning-- with our freshly made vinegar and rosemary cleaner.

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