Friday, October 12, 2012

Enjoying fall!

Tonging glass tiles and sorting by color.

Sequencing cards--beginning, middle, and end.

Completing a vowel work from her Kindergarten assignment.

Finishing up Kindergarten work and filling out his report.

Alphabet puzzle.

Teaching a friend how to complete the leaf puzzle.

After watching a lesson from a friend, he completes for himself.

Everyone enjoys the leaf puzzle!

Working with a friend to complete the map of Africa.

Leaf matching.

We had a visitor teach us about African instruments and clothing!

African textile matching game.

African animal cards.

1-5 counting with frogs.

Leaf mosaic with torn pieces of paper.

Making patterns with friends--what else is better?

Triangular box. Building an equilateral triangle with smaller triangles.

Reading secret messages to each other.

Color box 2--first match colors, then find objects in the classroom to match the tablets.

Pouring with a FUNnel!

Kindergarten trip to the library--finishing up a little snack before heading inside.

Getting stickers from the librarian was quite a surprise!

Reading books about Africa!

Happy to support local transit!

Happy to just be!

A beautiful day to play in the leaves

Thursday, October 11, 2012